Monday, August 21, 2017

DEALS The Girl Behind the Glass LIMITED

The Girl Behind the Glass

The Girl Behind the Glass

If You search girl book then The Girl Behind the Glass is best choice, Buy it now for Price is 16.99

The house on Hemlock Road used to be someone's home
Until something happened
Something that even after 80 years, can never be forgotten or forgiven
." Eleven-year-old twins Hannah and Anna agree about everything-especially that they don't want to move to the creepy old house on Hemlock Road
But as soon as they move into the house, the twins start disagreeing for the first time in their lives
In fact, it's almost as though something or some"one" is trying to drive them apart
While Anna settles in, Hannah can't ignore the strange things that keep happening on Hemlock Road
Why does she sense things that no one else in the family does? Like when the hemlock branch outside waves "shush, shush." Or at night, if she listens hard enough, it's almost as though someone is trying to talk to her
Someone no one else can hear
Someone angry enough to want revenge
"Hannah, are you listening?" Is the house haunted? Is Hannah crazy? Or does something in the house want her as a best friend-forever?

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